Mari Troshynski
Hometown: Wasilla, AlaskaThere are no records for this musher during the 2002 race.
Mari Troshynski, 17, began mushing as a part of a school project at the end of her eighth grade year and “got stuck in the sport.” She’s run the Jr. Iditarod twice, finishing eighth and 13th respectively. This will be her last Jr. Iditarod. A junior at Wasilla High School, Mari, participates in theatre and the Battle of the Books. She played the lead in “The End of Civilization as we Know It,” which was the “Tournament of Plays,” a short play contest. She says she likes to read, write, make independent films, draw and watch TV. She is also a state archery champion and will test for her black belt in karate this summer. She was recently accepted into the National Honor Society. She plans to attend the Air Force Academy and become an astronaut. She says she will “certainly” continue mushing.